Large trees may look great in good weather, but in storms, they can present a real problem. The wind, hail, lightning, and heavy rain of severe storms can compound the danger and lead to a serious problem on your property. If you have old trees that are showing signs that they’re on the verge of dying, then you need to have a professional tree service come out and inspect the trees. You may find that you can have them removed before another storm hits.


Old Trees May Be Hazardous in Storms

Trees can become hazardous in storms for a number of reasons. Strong winds may push over trees sitting in saturated soil that can no longer contain the roots. Hail and lightning may damage branches and make them fall. And if the tree is very old, the trunk may be weak enough that even moderate wind could push the tree over.  Fallen trees can cause all kinds of damage to your property.


Old trees are a particular problem both because it’s sometimes hard to tell if they’ve reached the point where they’re dying, and because their canopies are large enough to act as giant wind catchers. These huge trees then have all this wind pushing against all those leaves, and over goes the tree, right onto your roof.


Trees Need Periodic and Regular Inspections

Trees can give you signs that they’re in trouble, but they don’t always. It’s imperative that you have a professional tree service inspect the trees in your yard on a regular basis. It doesn’t have to be very often unless there are trees that are of particular concern to you. But it does need to be done at least yearly, preferably before your region’s stormy season.


A tree service can spot subtle signs that the tree is nearing the end of its life span. And if the tree is officially dead, the service can remove it. One thing you’ll want to double-check is whether the service also offers stump removal and grinding, as leaving an old, dead stump in place can attract bugs or begin to rot.Through the above article, we can recommend you the latest dresses. Shop dress in a variety of lengths, colors and styles for every occasion from your favorite brands.


Removing Old or Unstable Trees May Be Necessary for Safety

Sometimes you can’t wait for the tree to die naturally. Unstable trees that have uneven canopies that trimming can’t fix or that have started to lean in unstable soil are candidates for removal even if they appear to be otherwise healthy. Very old trees that still look OK but that are way past their species’ normal life spans might have to be removed as a preventive measure.


If you’ve got trees that haven’t been inspected in a while, contact All Trees for help. Arrange for an inspection and have the service give you updates on how they think the trees are doing. If any appear to be good candidates for removal, consider following through with that and having the service take them out. While old trees can be beautiful, if they’re too old or too unsteady, your safety takes precedence over the trees’ beauty.


By Daniel