If you need to move, want to downsize, or simply can’t afford your current home anymore, selling is likely your best option. Most homebuyers with a home to sell need the cash out of the first property to buy the second property. Even in a seller’s market, it’s a great idea to get help with marketing your property.


Consider Your Legal Requirements


Realtors earn a commission on your home when they help you sell it. If you know how to

sell your own house, you may be able to save that commission. However, unless you have detailed knowledge of new legal regulations related to real estate, be aware that you may leave yourself vulnerable to legal risk.


Working with a real estate agent can provide you with legal protections you may not have considered. As you plan for your move, take great care in considering the work you’ll have to do to sell your own home.


Emotional Connections May Get in the Way


If you plan to sell your own home, you’ll need to show it. It can be tough to hear a potential buyer criticize your home. Of course, they’re looking for factors that they can use to lower their offering price.


However, if you raised your children in this house, comments made by potential buyers can really hurt! Unless you can separate yourself from the property, having a real estate agent sell the house can be a much better option.


Protect Your Energy


If you know the house you’re moving into or the size you want, divide up your packing days into brain work and bodywork. In the morning, use your energy to decide. Sort your possessions into several containers; trash and donation items can go on the floor and things you want to take with you can go back into closets and drawers. These items and garments can serve to stage your space; closets that aren’t crowded appear larger.


Decision fatigue is a real issue! Use your freshest brain for your decision-making process. Stop making decisions at noon and get physically active. Box or bag up those donation items and list what you can for sale.


Protect Your Budget


Selling unwanted possessions can help you boost up some extra cash for your move. However, selling things one at a time can be incredibly time-consuming. Managing that inventory can also be a challenge.


You may have friends and family that offer to help. Line these people up to help you staff a table at your garage sale. Get four people booked to monitor your sales in four-hour shifts, feed them lunch, and make sure they have cool drinks. While they sell, you can pack and de-personalize your home. Before you schedule your garage sale, make sure you know what furniture you’re taking with you. Sell everything else and save your cash.


Buying a new house can be incredibly exciting. If your children have moved out and you’re ready for a smaller, easier-to-manage space, downsizing is a joy. Try to give yourself the time to make great decisions.

By Daniel